How has AN-ACC impacted rostering & scheduling for providers?

January 23, 2023

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) introduced the Aged Care Quality Standards (ACQS) in 2019, which replaced the previous Accreditation Standards for aged care providers in Australia. The new standards include the Aged Care Quality Standards (ACQS) and the Aged Care Quality Indicator Program (ACQIP).

These changes, prompted a new funding mechanism known as AN-ACC (The Australian National Aged Care Classification) which will have an impact on rostering and scheduling for aged care providers in the following ways:

  1. Staffing ratios: The new standards include specific staffing ratios for different care settings, which will impact the number of staff needed for a shift. Providers will need to ensure that they have enough staff to meet these ratios, which will require more careful scheduling and rostering.
  2. Staffing qualifications: The new standards also require that staff have specific qualifications and skills, which will impact the scheduling and rostering of staff. Providers will need to ensure that they have enough qualified staff on hand to meet the requirements of the new standards.
  3. Continuous improvement: The new standards require providers to continuously improve the quality of care they provide, which will require regular monitoring and reporting on staffing levels, staff qualifications, and other related areas. This will require careful scheduling and rostering to ensure that staff are available to meet the needs of residents.
  4. Accountability: The new standards will increase the accountability of providers for the quality of care they provide. This means that providers will need to ensure that they are meeting the new standards in relation to staffing levels, staff qualifications, and other related areas, which will require careful scheduling and rostering.
  5. Staffing flexibility: The new standards will require providers to have more flexibility in their staffing, which will require careful scheduling and rostering to ensure that staff are available to meet the needs of residents.

In conclusion, the new AN-ACC changes will have a significant impact on rostering and scheduling for aged care providers in Australia. Providers will need to ensure that they have enough staff to meet the new staffing ratios, that staff are qualified and that they are continuously improving their care service. Providers will also need to be more accountable for their care service, and have more flexibility in their staffing to be able to meet the needs of the residents.

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