Trace 2024 Team Promotions - Emma Woodberry and Tim Fagan

June 10, 2024

Trace 2024 Team Promotions - Emma Woodberry and Tim Fagan

"Of all the great moments we’ve experienced in trace. so far, this one is extra special! We are incredibly excited and proud to announce our first promotions, with both Emma Woodberry and Tim Fagan being promoted to Senior Manager. From all of us at the trace. team, thank you Emma and Tim for your effort and dedication, and helping establish an inclusive, collegiate culture at trace.!" Mathew Tolley, Partner.

Tim has made a fantastic contribution to our Sydney team, driving key technical solutions for clients, and building out our trace. solutions offering.

As our first hire, Emma has been instrumental in building our Brisbane office, whilst also leading efforts in Healthcare and Supply Chain Sustainability.

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